Perhaps I Found My Doppelganger
Searching for Jose Mier on the Internet takes me to many places. As you’ve seen in my earlier searches I found many Joses buried deep within the tomes on Google Books or on name aggregators like Today I stumbled upon a listing for another Jose Mier on

Imagine my surprise when I saw this list for someone with my same name and in my own city of Sun Valley, California! What are the odds that there would be another person with my name so close to me? For the first time in my hundreds of searches there is actually another Mier that I could get in my car and drive to and introduce myself to. Should I do it? If I get up enough courage I might do just that. is the website devoted to local business listings and it’s kind of a social media property. I have been told it’s important to list one’s business online in as many places as possible so the fact that this Jose chose to list his business on manta is nothing out of the ordinary. For me however it’s kind of a gold mine.
This particular Jose is located in my city and it appears that he is devoted to promoting the city that we both live in. For those of you unfamiliar with greater Los Angeles in southern California, my city, such as it is, Sun Valley, is actually part of the city of Los Angeles. Los Angeles encompasses a huge amount of land, much of it located in the San Fernando Valley. It’s divided into areas which bear their own unique names such as Reseda or Van Nuys, or even my area which is called Sun Valley. If this Jose is promoting it, one of the reasons must be that so many people identify the Sun Valley name with Idaho, but for millions of Southern California residents this is the Sun Valley the matters.
It was a treat to find this mental listing and to be able to add another Jose to my list. It appears that this Jose is indeed living, and living within a stone’s throw of yours truly. To you, sir, I say welcome to my list!