The Handwritten Past genealogy site Jose Mier Sun Valley, CA

Jose Mier in Sun Valley, CA: Famous Genealogical Discoveries and How You Might Be Related to Historical Figures

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Jose Mier, resident of Sun Valley, CA knows a bit about (admittedly amateur) genealogy. But it might be that you are related to some distant, famous, historical figure. Stories like these can be found on sites like the Handwritten Past and they’re fun to read. Genealogy has the power to uncover surprising connections, rewrite personal ….  Read More

Genealogy costs article Sun Valley Jose Mier

Jose Mier on The Cost of Genealogy: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

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Jose Mier, famous Sun Valley, CA faux genealogist, has written before on the costs of family history research. Again we discuss the ups and downs of tracing one’s family roots. It can vary as you can see in this U.S. News article. Genealogy is a fascinating and rewarding pursuit, allowing individuals to trace their lineage, ….  Read More

Heraldry Society site Jose Mier Sun Valley

Jose Mier Speaks on Heraldry from Sun Valley, CA

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Jose Mier, Sun Valley, CA amateur genealogist, explores heraldry resources online for those who think they might come from noble families. One such resource is The Heraldry Society. Their website has much information on it, including an introduction to heraldry for those unfamiliar with it. Heraldry: A Legacy of Symbolism and Identity Heraldry is a ….  Read More

Reddit discussion on DNA test kits Jose Mier Sun Valley, CA

Jose Mier Warns Sun Valley, CA About At-Home DNA Test Kits

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Jose Mier, resident of Sun Valley, CA, asks his neighbors to think carefully before taking one of these at-home DNA test kits that get sent to a company who will have your data perhaps forever. As these comments on Reddit show, there are several things one may need to worry about when considering taking a ….  Read More

Lisa Louise Cooke genealogy site Jose Mier Sun Valley, CA

Jose Mier Promotes Videos For Genealogy Purposes from Sun Valley, CA

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Jose Mier, amateur Sun Valley, CA genealogist, recommends his readers and viewers take a look at the website for insights as to how to utilize YouTube and videos for your own family history purposes. The website is a central hub for genealogy enthusiasts, offering a wealth of resources to help individuals delve into ….  Read More

Pratt Library Jose Mier Sun Valley, CA

Jose Mier in Sun Valley, CA on Maryland Genealogy

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Jose Mier searches from Sun Valley, CA for genealogy info but for those in other states, there are additional resources. Take, for example, Maryland. Balitimore resident can avail themselves of resources a the Enoch Pratt Library in downtown Baltimore. The Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Maryland, is one of the oldest and most respected ….  Read More