Category: jose mier

LAPL genealogy page Jose Mier Sun Valley, CA

Jose Mier Details Southern California Genealogy Resources at the LAPL

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Jose Mier lives in Sun Valley, CA. That’s part of the city of Los Angeles so for his and those in this area it make perfect sense to take advantage of nearby resources for genealogical research, especially the Los Angeles Public Library. The Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) is an integral part of the city’s ….  Read More

USCIS genealogy page Jose Mier Sun Valley

Jose Mier, The USCIS and Its Role in Genealogical Research

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Jose Mier, pseudo-genealogist from Sun Valley, CA, looks for others around the globe with his same name. Real genealogists make use of various tools to find their family history. One such tool which Jose Mier only recently found is the USCIS genealogy program. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a crucial component of ….  Read More

National archives Kennedy telegram Jose Mier Sun Valley

Jose Mier Accesses National Archives from Sun Valley, CA Home

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Powerful Genealogy Research Tool Jose Mier is dedicated to finding others with his exact name but that doesn’t prevent him from finding real genealogy tools like the National Archives catalog which is available easily online. The National Archives of the United States, an essential repository of the nation’s historical documents, plays a pivotal role in ….  Read More

SCGS site Jose Mier Sun Valley, CA

Jose Mier Find SCGS Right Next to Sun Valley, CA

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Burbank-Based Genealogical Organization Here Since 1964 Jose Mier lives in Sun Valley, CA. With all the amateur genealogy he’s been involved in for the past few years, it was a stunning discovery to find out that the Southern California Genealogical Society is located a stone’s throw away from him in neighboring Burbank, CA. The Southern ….  Read More

BYU genealogy degree page Jose Mier Sun Valley, CA

Jose Mier Discovers Professional Family History Degree at BYU

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Jose Mier jokingly calls himself a genealogist, but if you’re looking to do family history research in earnest or as a living, Brigham Young University offers a degree in genealogy. Brigham Young University (BYU), nestled in the heart of Provo, Utah, is a prestigious institution that marries academic excellence with a strong commitment to moral ….  Read More

S&N genealogy site screenshot Jose Mier

Jose Mier in Sun Valley, CA Explores S & N Genealogy

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Pioneering Family History Research in the United Kingdom Jose Mier searches from Sun Valley, CA for various genealogy resources and just happened upon S & N Genealogy Supplies. What looks like a well-stocked site for family history buffs turns out to be fairly famous in its own right. S & N Genealogy, established in 1992 ….  Read More