Jose Mier Map Search From Sun Valley, CA

Jose Mier maps search from Sun Valley, CA

Looking for Other Jose Miers in America

My Jose Mier searches have usually involved organic rankings. This time I tried a different tack. Because I am looking for person’s name and not a business, the Google maps feature does not show up by default. However, there is a maps tab at the top of the Google search results page. By clicking this while simultaneously searching for the name Jose Mier, I found all the relevant maps listings that Google had.

Jose Mier maps search from Sun Valley, CA
Jose Mier maps search from Sun Valley, CA

Of interest was the fact that most of the listings have found Word for people and names that I have already profiled on my website here. There was one notable exception which I will get to and minute. The results were Limited to around 10 or 12 and interestingly enough, every one of these Jose Mier maps listings was located in north or south America. When I expanded the map to include a rest of the world there were no other listings. Whether this is due to the fact that I am using Google maps from the United States or not I am not sure. I did notice that there were no listings from Spain which is where is the name Mier originates. However, even though I was using Google maps and searching from Sun Valley California which is in the United States, many of the results we’re in Mexico or Colombia. This is why I question how Google maps listings work. The Listings from Central and South America are for Spanish-speaking people and it’s odd that they would show up on these continents but not in Spain. That leads me to believe there maybe another algorithm at work for Europe.

Regardless I did find at least one new listing for another of my namesakes– This one in Columbia. This particular Jose Mier is an ophthalmic surgeon and I will add him to my growing list of namesakes in short order. Of course there was also the most “popular” Jose Mier I’ve thus found: Jose Mier y Teran in Texas.

Might take away from this is that if you are doing the genealogical search for people with the same surname as you, it may make sense to investigate Google maps option even if the maps feature does not show up in your original organic search.

Jose Mier Map Search From Sun Valley, CA
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Jose Mier Map Search From Sun Valley, CA
A Jose Mier Map Search From Sun Valley, CA revealed several listings for that name, all within North and South America.
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