Jose Mier’s Ancient Face

jose mier listing on

Genealogical Website

Jose Mier is not the world’s most popular name but there are still many instances this name online. That gives me hope that I can find others who share my same name. The other interesting thing about my searches is that every time I search I find something new that has not appeared before. Case in point, which is a genealogical website and serves up hundreds of listings for people with different names.

jose mier listing on
jose mier listing on

For my search I looked for Jose Mier and returned a list of several hundred people with the surname Mier. Not just Joses but everybody else with that last name. In this list there were five or six separate Jose Miers—each with a different middle initial. I chose to look at one of these Joses who was born in 1925 and passed away in 2011. What I like about this website is that not only do you have the name of the person but it will show you a family tree and who they are descended from or married to.

The problem is that there may not be much information even with a family tree. In this one case there was only the name of the person and not any ancestors. Still, I find this website to be unique because of the family tree and for those who were doing genealogical research this may be a welcome resource.

Like earlier Jose Mier searches on there’s a lot of information especially geographical information about each particular Jose. Just like most of the Joses I found on the site live or lived in states with a high Latino population like Florida, Texas or California.

If you are a student of genealogy or just doing family history research ancient faces could be a great help to you in your research. Once again, from Sun Valley California, this is your friend Jose Mier.

Jose Mier’s Ancient Face
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Jose Mier’s Ancient Face
Jose Mier has stumbled upon another genealogy-related website. This time it's, which gives family tree information as well as names.
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