Jose Mier Sun Valley Genealogy

Jose Mier walks in Sun Valley

Using Autumn to Travel Abroad

Jose Mier writing from my desk in Sun Valley, CA. Yes, it’s officially Fall and although I’m sweating my way through a Southern California heatwave, fall is actually a great time to do family history research abroad.

Jose Mier walks in Sun Valley
Jose Mier walks in Sun Valley

If you book travel now, odds are you can get a great deal on a flight or hotel since the summer season is over. It’s the “off-season” in many places. Thinking about trying to find your relatives in Europe (Spain, if you’re me)? Go for it! Fewer lines and crowds and cooler temperatures make this a perfect time to do the family history research you always wanted to.


Jose Mier Sun Valley Genealogy
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Jose Mier Sun Valley Genealogy
Jose Mier Sun Valley Genealogy is the title of my article about travel for family history. Use the off-season rates to take that trip you always wanted to to find your family roots.
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