Jose Mier Finds Another Namesake on Behance
Jose Mier abounds on the internet. Whether it’s Google, LinkedIn or Spotify, the name keeps popping up and I keep adding to my list of “famous” Jose Miers. Of course none of the Joses I showcase would consider themselves famous (possibly with the exception of the composer I found and documented in a previous Jose Mier blog article), but to me they’re all famous. They are so simply because I have a site dedicated to my name and the ones I’ve discovered and listed here have a special connection because I say so!
But I digress. This time the site I’ve found my latest Mier, Jose is Behance. Like most of my searches it began on Google. Of course the results will contain those websites with high authority and Behance is one. Behance, for the uninitiated, is an Adobe product and is meant to showcase the designs of various creative people around the world.

My newest Jose Mier is from Monterrey, Mexico. A younger man (20s-30s) he’s an interior/exterior designer/architect whose designs fall into the modern or minimalist category. The designs on his Behance page range from family dwellings to fast food restaurants. The exteriors of the houses are impressive, but so are the interior designs of bedrooms and design for individual pieces of furniture.
The ability to create these 3-dimensional renderings is always interesting to me. I’m no architect but I can appreciate the beauty of design and am impressed with how real we are now able to make images. You can experience a space virtually even before the ground is broken on the project. It also allows the designer to make changes prior to building saving time and money. As you can tell, I’m impressed with our new Jose Mier’s facility with this type of software.
Jose Mier from Nuevo Santander
As I’ve said in earlier Jose Mier articles, the Mier name originated from Mier in Santander province in Spain. When the Spanish came to Mexico they created a new Santander (Nuevo Santander) in northern Mexico and I’m not surprised to see many Mier’s from this area. Monterrey is in the area that was once known as Nuevo Santander so I speculate about this Jose’s family history. Have they lived in Monterrey since the early days of the Spanish conquest? If so that would mean Jose Mier’s family goes back to the 16th century and perhaps they were settlers whose original home in Spain was in that town of Mier, the origin of the surname. Again, this is only speculation, but it’s a game I like to play to fill in the gaps when the information I find on a particular Jose is spotty.
Regardless, this is our newest famous Jose so I welcome him to the ever-growing list of Jose Miers.