From Sun Valley, CA to the World
Jose Mier around the world—this website—is dedicated specifically to my searches for my own name. But in the course of trying to find other people that share my moniker I’ve been exposed a lot information on genealogy in general. My name searches are usually always just for my own amusement, but if you’re serious about researching your own family history and investing time in your own genealogical research then check this out: I found something that may come in very useful. What I mean is maps. Heart of the family is a great jumping off point for trying to research your ancestors who lived in United States somewhere. Using a map of one or another type to get more detailed information on your family is a very good idea.

One location online that has a lots of information and can serve as a starting point for your family research is, as I mentioned, Heart of the One thing that struck to me as I searched the website was the use of—get this–fire insurance maps. You can investigate who lived where and when and it just may give you a clue as to where your ancestor resided.
If you’re a diligent researcher, give this website a try or look at the many 1000s of maps that have been digitized by the Library of Congress.