Jose Mier furiously writing once again. This time my Jose Mier search took me in a different direction. I get so concentrated on doing my genealogy searches on Google that I forgot about the second most popular search engine in the world: YouTube.
Sometimes during my searches, a video will display in the search results but I’ve been so dedicated to finding more Joses in the titles of web pages that Google displays that I neglected to try my search on YouTube.
I rectified that with a recent search on that video publishing platform and found my next “famous” Jose Mier. This time the Jose in question comes from Oklahoma (Oklahoma City to be precise). Whether on not he lives there is in question but the video is from a boxing match in Oklahoma City.

This Jose is listed as Jose Mier, Jr. which also leads me to surmise that there is probably a Jose Mier, Sr nearby and probably the one holding the camera at the time of this bout.
Unfortunately, there is no narration in the video and I can’t tell which one of the boxers is Jose Mier and which is his opponent. Still, having a video to add to my search makes my name kind of come alive and I can actually see another Jose Mier in action.
The list returned by YouTube for my search is apparently very long. I’ve scrolled through pages and pages without finding an end and there are a number of Jose Mier videos and channels for me to go through. I shall do my best to sift through them all and return as many notable results as I can.