The Villages of Mier in Northern Spain and Notable Individuals with the Last Name Mier
More on Jose iIer’s Ancestral Home and Notable Namesakes Jose Mier here in my Sun Valley, CA living room. As you know if you read my post on the origins on the surname Mier we probably go back to a region in northern Spain but on doing some more reseach it looks like there is …. Read More
Genealogical research on Facebook
Jose Mier Searches Again from Sun Valley, CA Genealogical research on Facebook used by Jose Mier can be a valuable tool in uncovering information and connecting with relatives and ancestral communities. With billions of users worldwide, Facebook provides a platform for individuals to share family history, stories, and photographs. While Facebook alone may not provide …. Read More
Jose Mier Map Search From Sun Valley, CA
Looking for Other Jose Miers in America My Jose Mier searches have usually involved organic rankings. This time I tried a different tack. Because I am looking for person’s name and not a business, the Google maps feature does not show up by default. However, there is a maps tab at the top of the …. Read More
A Brief Overview of Mier, Spain
Jose Mier Explores His Namesake Village Jose Mier has written previously from Sun Valley, CA about his ancestral home (or at least that of his surname) in Spain (Mier), but he’s found a little more to add. If for no other reason than to visit its church, you should check out this picturesque town if …. Read More
I’m Famous For Being Jose Mier
Generic Search Shows I Own Google Page One! Jose Mier search was the term I used when searching for myself this time. I performed another Google search but in the past I’ve use things like Jose Mier California, Spain or Mexico in order to find other people that share my first and last name. As …. Read More
Searching for Myself
“Jose Mier California” Leads to LinkedIn The name Jose Mier is a fairly popular one and it has led me over the last couple years do various countries and locations we’re there are other people with my same name. If You’ve read any of these blog posts you know that I found people all over …. Read More
My Jose Mier Genealogy Map Resource
From Sun Valley, CA to the World Jose Mier around the world—this website—is dedicated specifically to my searches for my own name. But in the course of trying to find other people that share my moniker I’ve been exposed a lot information on genealogy in general. My name searches are usually always just for my …. Read More
Jose Mier Sun Valley Genealogy
Using Autumn to Travel Abroad Jose Mier writing from my desk in Sun Valley, CA. Yes, it’s officially Fall and although I’m sweating my way through a Southern California heatwave, fall is actually a great time to do family history research abroad. If you book travel now, odds are you can get a great deal …. Read More
Jose Maria Mier and the Mexican Border
Book Details 1910 Involvement Jose Mier fans! Another Jose to add to my list. Not long ago I was doing a search on Google Books—as I am wont to do—from my Sun Valley, CA home, and came across a book I had not seen before. Occasionally I have to recheck Google Books because they seems …. Read More
Origins Searches with Jose Mier
Sun Valley to the Entire World Jose Mier origin searches are not the only ones being carried out. Other around the world are also interested in their family history. The Internet has made it simpler and quicker to carry out origins searches and there are many databases and details on how to go about it. …. Read More