Jose Mier Celebrates Others With Tribute Video
No Jose Mier search today. Only a celebration of all those I’ve had the pleasure to “meet” over the course of my Jose Mier name search. I usually begin my search on Google and look for the most “famous” Jose Miers—those whose websites or listings on the Internet come up in the first few pages. But I was overwhelmed when I switched to the Images tab of Google’s search engine. There in front of me were dozens if not hundreds of Jose Mier images from every corner of the earth.

Some of these were familiar from my previous searches, but others were new. It was as if I were in a virtual family reunion with my long-lost relatives. My name search has been half genealogical, half fun but on gazing into the faces of all these people it struck me how diverse this group is and how unique each representative is. What began as a kind of lark for me has becomes something of a celebration of humanity. I look at the others with the name Jose Mier and wonder how their childhood was, how they got to where they are now and what they think of their name—if they’ve given it any thought at all.
I felt a certain warmness looking over them all and decided to celebrate each and every one with a video. Taking screen shots from various listings on the Internet I compiled my own personal list of Jose Miers throughout the world and distilled them into a celebratory video. Sure, each Jose Mier is the focus of one of my searches or blog posts, but they—we—are all special individuals with fascinating histories. My goal with this video was to say thanks to people who will probably never know this eccentric search I’ve undertaken. They’re famous without knowing so.
Yes, my video is about Jose Mier but it could be applied to any name. When you think about people as individuals you see how irreplaceable each one is and how each (living or deceased) has and will play a special role in the history of our planet. That’s kind of why I got overwhelmed thinking about all this. So, simply, as I say in the video: thank you to all the Joses around the world from this Jose Mier in Los Angeles.