Jose Mier Listings On Facebook

Jose Mier Facebook search results

Jose Mier Around the World, as you know, searches for all instances of the appellation Jose Mier wherever it can be found.

My latest search for Jose Mier was done quite simply on Facebook. I can’t tell you why I didn’t do this type of search earlier, but I just didn’t. I have used Facebook many times in the past but I’ll usually find just one Jose Mier each time and then go on to the next one. This time I just wanted to see just how many Jose Miers I could find there that are listed in such a Facebook search.

Jose Mier Facebook search results
Jose Mier Facebook search results

Not counting those who don’t have my exact same name (perhaps it’s spelled a bit differently) and the ones who make use of the Latin American father-mother surname system, I found a total of 88 unique Jose Miers. At least I think they are unique. Of course one of those Joses is myself so I found a total of 87 different Jose Miers to investigate when time permits.

If you are starting a family history research, name search, or doing genealogy research this is a fast method to search out others with similar (or the very same) names. You might want to contact each one and jot down their information in a list if you’re in the midst of making a family tree or something similar, however for myself at this point in time I just desired a number total, which is what I got in this search!


Jose Mier Listings On Facebook
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Jose Mier Listings On Facebook
Jose Mier recounts his latest name search. This time it was a search on Facebook for all those who have the name Jose Mier or a variation thereof.
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