Tantalizing Search for Mier Surname in Book

Book: origins of the Mier surname in Nuevo Leon

Close, But No Cigar

Another Jose Mier search on Google books brought me tantalizingly close to some great information. In this particular search I found a book is title in Spanish is origins of the Mier surname in Nuevo Leon. Now as you know from earlier posts I trace the history of the Mier surname from San tender province in Spain to Mexico. The Spanish used a lot of Spanish place names when they conquered Mexico and originally Nuevo Leon was Nuevo Santander.

Book: origins of the Mier surname in Nuevo Leon
Book: origins of the Mier surname in Nuevo Leon

As you also know Nuevo Leon is the area in which the Mexican town of Mier is located. So there’s a lot of mere information relative to this area. The fact that somebody wrote a book specifically about my surname had me very excited. But when I clicked on the title there was no information at all on Google books. Further searches for the title of the book only gave me information as to where physical copies of this book are located around the world.

In the book was written in 1977 and because it’s more a research document I am more than certain that it’s out of print and that the only way I’m going to get this information is by picking up a physical copy of the book. However, according to my searches, the closest book to me in Sun Valley, California would be the copy housed at the library of Berkeley University.

Distance and Language Prevents a Full Jose Mier Search

If only I could take a peek inside the cover I’m sure that this book would fill in a lot of gaps in my research and could ultimately confirm my theory about how the name me air move from Spain to Mexico. Indeed it may have information that bolsters my theory about the original source of the name Mier in Spain, meaning harvest.

Without the physical copy of the book, and indeed without translating this Spanish work, I’m left merely to speculate.


Tantalizing Search for Mier Surname in Book
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Tantalizing Search for Mier Surname in Book
Jose Mier's latest name search turns up a book on the origins of the Mier surname in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The book, however, is not on Google Books.
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