All Jose Mier Authors in One Place
Looking for Jose Mier (the name) as I do, I continue to be enamored of Google Books. The breadth (if not depth) of information available to the amateur genealogist like myself is astounding and it seems like every search yields another gem for me.
I merely type “Jose Mier Google Books” as my search query and sift through the results. They will either be an author with that name or (as in my find about the 19th century Cuban school administrator) a name contained in some portion of one of the books.
Either way it’s a win-win for me. I wanted to take another moment merely to praise Google Books and suggest it for anyone doing their own genealogical research. Even though the internet has been around for some time it still amazes me that we can have access to so much information.
I always begin my searches on Google’s search engine, but you can go directly to Google Books to start your own search. Try it and let me know if you don’t think it’s as powerful as I say.