Generic Search Shows I Own Google Page One!
Jose Mier search was the term I used when searching for myself this time. I performed another Google search but in the past I’ve use things like Jose Mier California, Spain or Mexico in order to find other people that share my first and last name. As you may or may not know I have been fairly successful add my latest search is proof of that.

In the course of doing my name search I have created not only my website but I have social media as well. This includes properties like pinterest, Facebook, tumblr and LinkedIn among others. I like to spread my blog posts around so I syndicate them to some of my other social media sites. I love the fact that my WordPress website can make use of a plug-in (Jetpack) that automatically publishes my blog posts to a number of social media sites. It does this automatically so when I write something such as this blog post and hit the publish button, it gets immediately published to Facebook, Twitter and tumblr.
Because of this I’m building up significant amount of resources on the web that are dedicated to the name Jose Mier. So, when I do research such as the one I did today I can see the fruits of my labor. If you take a look at the YouTube video that I made and which I’ve been betting on this page you can see that I have a couple of my videos write The top of page 1 and I also have pen dressed, Facebook and this website on the same page. In the world of search engine optimization they would say that I own Page 1 or that I dominate page 1.
I admit that my searches for my own name are a bit eccentric but I like what I’m doing and I can actually see results. The odds are that if somebody else in the world is searching for the name Jose Mier one or more of my websites are social media properties it’s going to be included in the search results page. It also may depend on where someone is searching from geographically. Hi, of course, search from Sun Valley California. However, if somebody searching on the east coast, say in Florida or even Texas the odds are that the doctor Jose Mier y Teran is going to show up. He was one of my namesakes that I add it to my list early on and he seems to be the number one result for my name– Other than myself of course.
So all this is pretty much fun for me but I would like to continue ranking on page one so if you have a chance please go ahead and perform the same search wherever you are in the world. Did you see one of my websites for social media properties please click on it and visit it. The amount of traffic that I get Will determine how high I rank on Google. Thanks in advance.