Tag: genealogy

jose mier genealogy image

Culture Genealogy Society: The Best Ancestry Resources in the Net

0 commentsetymologygenealogyjose miergenealogyjose mierlos angelessun valley ca

Jose Mier Search Aids Jose Mier agrees: families are the most important members of society. You have to consider that there are quite a lot of people today who wants to know more about their family’s history to know where they came from. You have to consider that finding about your genealogy is quite fun. ….  Read More

de mier surname search on forebears.com

More Genealogical Resources: Forebears.com

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Discussion on Surname Popularity Following up on the heels last search posts where utilized Google Books and found more instances of the “de Mier” surname, this time I tried a new tack. My search begin on Google but instead of searching for Jose Mier I searched for the term “people with the surname de Mier.” ….  Read More