Another Mexican Jose from Tamaulipas Area
Another Jose Mier find in this time do things a little differently by searching on Instagram. I should have thought of this a long time ago but in doing a Google search, one of the Jose Mier Instagram pages came up and I followed the link. The Instagram account for this particular person was private so I decided to do a search just for the term” Jose Mier “on Instagram and got several results, including this one which I’ve profiled here today who is Jose Fco. (Francisco) Mier.

This Jose Mier listing is notable for a couple of reasons. First of all Instagram is social media platform that is used primarily by younger people so it’s not surprising the Jose Mier I find here is indeed younger. I’d say this person is in his late 20s or early 30s. The second interesting thing about this is that you can see in the description that he is from the Tamaulipas area of Mexico. I’ve written about this before because the town of Mier is located in Tamaulipas. It’s therefore kind of fitting that someone with the last name of Mier would be found living in this part of Mexico.
Other than this guy’s approximate age and location I don’t know much about him but he does have but tag line associated with his Instagram account. It’s in Spanish of course but translated means “Nothing is static. Change and adapt.” I think those are good words to live by. To be honest I’ve stopped counting the number of famous Joses I’ve added to my list. In the years that I’ve been maintaining this website I’ve written about 100 blog posts. Not everyone is about a person but I think I’m about up to 50 famous Jose Miers. In any case here’s another one to add to my list and I welcome him.