Jose Mier Sun Valley Genealogy
Using Autumn to Travel Abroad Jose Mier writing from my desk in Sun Valley, CA. Yes, it’s officially Fall and although I’m sweating my way through a Southern California heatwave, fall is actually a great time to do family history research abroad. If you book travel now, odds are you can get a great deal …. Read More
Origins Searches with Jose Mier
Sun Valley to the Entire World Jose Mier origin searches are not the only ones being carried out. Other around the world are also interested in their family history. The Internet has made it simpler and quicker to carry out origins searches and there are many databases and details on how to go about it. …. Read More
Everything About Autograph Collecting and Family History
Jose Mier From Sun Valley Shows You How Jose Mier Around the World is all about me, yours truly. But in my searches I have come across a lot of info on genealogy and family history. One thing of interest is collecting autographs. Given that the television series “Roots”, there has actually been a rise …. Read More
Buying Residential Or Commercial Property In Spain – A Location of Paradise and Culture
Jose Mier Ancestral Origins As you may have read Jose Mier comes originally from the town of Mier in Spain. I thought it would be fun to explore the possibility of going back there and actually living in Spain. It would be a return to my “home” country centuries after my ancestors came to the …. Read More
Jose Mier and Bastille Day
Jose Mier wishes all Frenchmen and women a happy Bastille Day. Depending on where you stand, the French Revolution was either good or bad. I stand by the latter since it got out of hand and many ended up going to the guillotine. However, it is the national day of France so I send glad …. Read More
Happy 4th of July
To all my Jose Mier fans, wishing you a happy fourth of July from Sun Valley, CA!
Genealogy and Jose Mier From Sun Valley
Genealogy as a Profession Not Just A Hobby Jose Mier name searches are my hobby, done in my spare time. You may be interested in researching family history for real and you can even do it as a career. If you providing genealogy services for pay, you can benefit by following these basic steps …. Read More
Making a Living from Genealogy
Genealogy as a Profession My Jose Mier searches are predominately for my own benefit and amusment. If you’re serious about genealogy, though, read on. It could be a career. If you providing genealogy services for pay, you can benefit by following these basic steps to see if you have the needed skill, experience, and knowledge. …. Read More
Genealogy Online For Dummies: Dummy Endured Genealogical Research Study
Jose Mier searches are one thing. Family history is another and with the ease of finding info online it’s never been a better time to get into genealogy. Therefore, information have actually started to blow up over the internet. Everybody is familiarized with personal computer systems, websites, and emails. The issue is that if you …. Read More
Everyone’s constantly thinking about their ancestors and where they came from
Jose Mier Does the Same You’ll require to begin by producing a chart for names and information, which can be as easy as a paper with some squares drawn on, branching them upwards and broadening as you discover brand-new ancestors, or you can find a good, hardbound genealogy book that consists of specialized charts. Need …. Read More