Searching for Jose Mier
Latest Name Search Site Returns 175 Results My last Jose Mier search on returned 100 results in the United States. Based on the success of this search I decided to look for more name search websites online. I started as I always do, with the Google search for the name Jose Mier, but …. Read More
Jose Mier U.S. Listings on Peoplefinders
Another Name Aggregator I usually employ Google for my searches and go through the organic search results, and I’ve had extremely good success with this. However recently it occurred to me that Google also serves up a lot of paid ads above and below the organic search results. I’ve never given these much thought but …. Read More
Jose Mier the Research Technician
Works for McLaughlin Research Corporation My latest Jose Mier find comes by way of a LinkedIn profile. I found this in the course of a straight Google search. Each time I do my searches I find that some of the same listings appear near the top of page one, while others come and go. This …. Read More
A Jose Mier in My Own Sun Valley
Perhaps I Found My Doppelganger Searching for Jose Mier on the Internet takes me to many places. As you’ve seen in my earlier searches I found many Joses buried deep within the tomes on Google Books or on name aggregators like Today I stumbled upon a listing for another Jose Mier on Imagine …. Read More
Jose De Mier: Former Mayor of Chiclana
Raising Awareness of Salt Flats The latest in my long list of Jose Mier names, coming in at around number 45, this one Jose de Mier from the Cadiz area of Spain–several thousand miles from my home in Sun Valley, CA. In fact this Jose was the former mayor of Chiclana in that area. Full …. Read More
69 Jose Mier Listings on ClustrMaps
Geographic Locations A Prominent Feature Similar to my previous Jose Mier searches on the Internet I found another site that list a lot of information about people and especially where they are located. The site is called Similar to, doing a search for a persons name returns as many names as possible, in …. Read More
Jackpot of Jose Mier on BeenVerified
Too Much Information? For me, searching for Jose Mier, I kind of hit the jackpot with the recent search. Like my last Jose Mier search I did a straight Google search and went to the last page where I found listings on I found 22 listings in California. So this isn’t really a profile …. Read More
Jose R. Mier in 1940 Census
New Yorker was Born in Cuba in 1911 I’m a bit excited to report the details of my latest search. As I sit glued to my computer screen here in Sun Valley, California, I can reach all over the world and go back in time when I’m in the midst of my searches. For this …. Read More
Could This Jose Mier Be The Archtect?
Video of Nuevo Monterrey Music Festival Based in Sun Valley, California my operations in search of other Jose Miers include state-of-the-art software that helps me in my investigations. Actually, it’s called the computer and the Internet. Taking a break from Google Books I chose another search on YouTube and my state-of-the-art software did not let …. Read More
Google Translate to the Rescue (Not)
The Travails of A Jose Mier Search As you know I carry out my Jose Mier research from my computer in my Sun Valley, California home. Every piece of information I have found comes from the Internet. Some of my research is easier and more fruitful than others. Imagine my delight when I happened upon …. Read More