Jose Mier, Ph.D.
Environmental Hydrology and Hydraulics Engineering Jose Mier searches revealed many different people with this name from all walks of life in many different countries. My latest search has turned out the first Ph.D. that I will be adding to my list. This is another Google search, simply looking for the term “Jose Mier”, and …. Read More
Jose Mier’s Ancient Face
Genealogical Website Jose Mier is not the world’s most popular name but there are still many instances this name online. That gives me hope that I can find others who share my same name. The other interesting thing about my searches is that every time I search I find something new that has not appeared …. Read More
Jose Mier Teran Franco
Spanish Marketing Director My latest Jose Mier comes from Spain. The listing which I found comes from a site called which is a site dedicated to research. It’s kind of like a LinkedIn except for research and connects researchers with other information about subjects being researched. This particular Jose Mier is a marketing …. Read More
Jose Mier Y Teran: Mexican General
Sad End to Storied Career Jose Manuel de Meir y Teran is an interesting find. I happened upon quite by accident. Since it’s January 1 I did a search for “Jose Mier January 1.” Although there’s really nothing in the results that led me to this man, I hadn’t seen this person’s biography before. …. Read More
Jose Mier and the Cheetos Challenge
Could He Be These Girls’ Father? Jose Mier Around the World has stumbled upon another obscure YouTube video that leaves me pondering exactly who and what this Jose Mier is. If you’ve read other Jose Mier posts about YouTube videos and channels you know that nine times out of ten there’s almost no information. That’s …. Read More
Jose Mier Around the World Says Merry Christmas
Have a Wonderful Holiday from Jose Mier It’s been an interesting year for me (and for everyone). Despite all the bad stuff going on my Jose Mier searches and my whole project have been a big success. I wanted to take time out from my searching here in my Sun Valley, CA headquarters to wish …. Read More
A Jose Mier Who Loves Beauty
Video on The American Continent Another Jose Mier search on YouTube has revealed, well, not much. Like most people on YouTube this Jose Mier didn’t fill out the about section so there’s not much that I know about this particular person. However the video he’s got on his YouTube channel does give me some insight …. Read More
Unknown Jose Mier From Mexico or US
400 Million YouTube Views Another Jose Mier search on YouTube and this one reveals some startling results. I thought I’d do just what I did last time and search for Jose Mier on YouTube again. I went through all the videos and channels that I could see until I found one that looked new …. Read More
Dr. Jose F. Mier, Jr., Danville VA
55 Years of Practice Another Jose Mier find! And another doctor! This current one I found while searching for the name ose Mier on Google and a listing for this particular person appeared on the website. However, I followed the link and there was no information on even after I searched the …. Read More
Manuel Jose Mier, M.D.
Long Practice of Medicine My latest find in my Jose Mier search is one that I’ve probably overlooked many times. When I begin my search for Jose Mier on the Internet one of the most popular listings as for Jose Mier y Teran who I’ve profiled on the site previously and who is a …. Read More