69 Jose Mier Listings on ClustrMaps
Geographic Locations A Prominent Feature Similar to my previous Jose Mier searches on the Internet I found another site that list a lot of information about people and especially where they are located. The site is called clustrmaps.com. Similar to beenverified.com, doing a search for a persons name returns as many names as possible, in …. Read More
Jackpot of Jose Mier on BeenVerified
Too Much Information? For me, searching for Jose Mier, I kind of hit the jackpot with the recent search. Like my last Jose Mier search I did a straight Google search and went to the last page where I found listings on beenverified.com. I found 22 listings in California. So this isn’t really a profile …. Read More
New Mexico Church Records 18th Century
Prenuptial Investigation Witness: Jose Mier I find some interesting things in my searches for people named Jose Mier. The latest excerpt from a book on prenuptial investigations in New Mexico during the last half of the 18th-century reveals the getting married required a lot more than it does today. From the infinitesimal information I was …. Read More
Tantalizing Search for Mier Surname in Book
Close, But No Cigar Another Jose Mier search on Google books brought me tantalizingly close to some great information. In this particular search I found a book is title in Spanish is origins of the Mier surname in Nuevo Leon. Now as you know from earlier posts I trace the history of the Mier surname …. Read More
Another de Mier: Parent of Controversial Priest
Padre Named After His Father Safe in my Sun Valley, CA confines I continue my fool’s errand of searching for my namesakes. If you recall one of my Jose Mier articles was on José de Mier Noriega y Guerra. His full title was Fray José Servando Teresa de Mier Noriega y Guerra. You may also …. Read More
1781: Jose R. Mier and Bolivian Independence Movement
Jose #32 Involved in Liberty Push My latest name find is once again something in Google Books. I continue to search on this site with fairly good results. The book in which this Jose is found was published in 1781 and it’s entitled “News and proceedings of the very noble and loyal royal town of …. Read More
On the Nobiliary Particle
I Never Knew What It Was Called If I want to sound noble I could call myself Jose de Mier. That’s because in this instance I’m using the “de” which is officially called the nobiliary particle. I never knew this part of a name had a specific appellation, but it does. I knew that the …. Read More
Gaming and Manga Fan
Bolivian Jose Mier is a Fan of Japanese Animation I’m continuing my Jose Mier search on YouTube. I was surprised to find so many channels with the name Jose Mier. Of course most of the videos and channels that are at the top of the YouTube search results are mine, shameless plug, but there’re tons …. Read More
The Mexican Cowboy
Mexican Jose Mier Shows Off Roping Skills You may be surprised to find that Jose Mier just taking a break from searching on Google books. Yes, that’s right. I’m going back to YouTube to see what I can find and what I’ve found was something very new and different. My latest Jose Mier is from …. Read More
Jose Vincente Mier from Cadiz Spain 1826
29th Famous Jose Mier I’ve been having a lot of success on Google Books, with one notable exception as you can read in my last Jose Mier post. That did not dissuade me from using Google Books again for my latest search. The more I search the deeper I have to dig and the more …. Read More