Category: los angeles

Jose Mier search results on ClustrMaps

69 Jose Mier Listings on ClustrMaps

2 commentsgenealogyjose mierlos angelesclustrmapsjose miersun valley ca

Geographic Locations A Prominent Feature Similar to my previous Jose Mier searches on the Internet I found another site that list a lot of information about people and especially where they are located. The site is called Similar to, doing a search for a persons name returns as many names as possible, in ….  Read More

Jose Mier in church record New Mexico 1700s

New Mexico Church Records 18th Century

0 commentsgenealogyjose mierlos angeleschurch historyjoseph miernew mexicosun valley ca

Prenuptial Investigation Witness: Jose Mier I find some interesting things in my searches for people named Jose Mier. The latest excerpt from a book on prenuptial investigations in New Mexico during the last half of the 18th-century reveals the getting married required a lot more than it does today. From the infinitesimal information I was ….  Read More

1781 jose mier book cover

1781: Jose R. Mier and Bolivian Independence Movement

0 commentsetymologygenealogyjose mierlos angeles1781boliviaindependencejose miersun valley ca

Jose #32 Involved in Liberty Push My latest name find is once again something in Google Books. I continue to search on this site with fairly good results. The book in which this Jose is found was published in 1781 and it’s entitled “News and proceedings of the very noble and loyal royal town of ….  Read More