On the Nobiliary Particle
I Never Knew What It Was Called If I want to sound noble I could call myself Jose de Mier. That’s because in this instance I’m using the “de” which is officially called the nobiliary particle. I never knew this part of a name had a specific appellation, but it does. I knew that the …. Read More
Vincente Jose Mier in 1814 Spain
Letters from the Procurator General It’s always fascinating for me, regardless of how skimpy the information is about one José Meyer or another, the type of information I end up finding in my searches. Yet again, as I search from the safety of my domicile in beautiful Sun Valley, California, I am transported back in …. Read More
Indeed a Knight with my Name
Pedro Jose de Mier in Book on 18th Century As you know from my earlier posts I’ve had some frustration with Google books. That’s not the case this time, however. I kept digging a little more and found another book with a José Meyer reference. I didn’t have the same problem I didn’t past searches …. Read More
Was Jose Mier a Member of the Order of St. James?
Religious and Military Order in Spain This may or may not constitute an official addition to my list because again I was frustrated on Google books doing a search. And Again I tried searching for the name Jose Mier as well as the noble version José de Mier and found some results. But when I …. Read More
Gaming and Manga Fan
Bolivian Jose Mier is a Fan of Japanese Animation I’m continuing my Jose Mier search on YouTube. I was surprised to find so many channels with the name Jose Mier. Of course most of the videos and channels that are at the top of the YouTube search results are mine, shameless plug, but there’re tons …. Read More
The Mexican Cowboy
Mexican Jose Mier Shows Off Roping Skills You may be surprised to find that Jose Mier just taking a break from searching on Google books. Yes, that’s right. I’m going back to YouTube to see what I can find and what I’ve found was something very new and different. My latest Jose Mier is from …. Read More
Jose Vincente Mier from Cadiz Spain 1826
29th Famous Jose Mier I’ve been having a lot of success on Google Books, with one notable exception as you can read in my last Jose Mier post. That did not dissuade me from using Google Books again for my latest search. The more I search the deeper I have to dig and the more …. Read More
My First José Mier Failure
Running into a Road Block on Google Books I started this José Mier search several months ago I have always had success with my searches. Some search results gave me more information than others but at least I got something out of the search. As you know I’ve been using Google Books to search for …. Read More
Ecuadorian José Mier from 1808: Philosopher
Another South American Jose My latest José Mier find it’s quite obscure. Again and I looked on Google Books to try to find another José Mier. Of course I was successful. However the book in which I founded doesn’t seem to be related to Ecuador at all. The document in which I found this José …. Read More
Infamous José Mier number 27: Spain 1908
The Most Disturbing José Mier Yet I recently did another search on Google books for José Mier. What I found was a little surprising. I usually find just snippets of information about various José Miers and sometimes more like Jose Mier Noriega, but they are for the most part little glimpses into regular life and …. Read More