A few fun facts about genealogy, etymology and Latin language
Wait, wait, don’t go yet! I suspect you may be intimidated by the seemingly complicated words such as etymology and genealogy, but this post is going to be super fun to have a quick read if you are bored! So, firstly, what is genealogy? To put it into simple terms, it is the study of …. Read More
Genealogy Goes Digital-Picking the Right Genealogy Software
Genealogy is a growing passion worldwide. Knowing your family’s past, where they started, what happened to them, and what your ancestors did is a great way to improve your sense of identity, rebuild relationships with family members, and learn about the beautiful events of history. Regardless of your reason for choosing a family genealogy, you …. Read More
Genealogy Tools
Our past has a vital role in our present. Who we are today partial, big or small, is the work of call our ancestors. In light of this, the genealogy study was born. Genealogists understand the importance of looking at the past to study the roots of our existence, and to know the people who …. Read More
Part of the Mier Search Process: Etymology
When you are interested in looking for the origin of a word, in this case a name, it is essential to go hand in hand with etymology. Why? Because etymology studies the origin, history and the way in which words have evolved throughout the time. Then, there are etymology dictionaries that help the researcher find …. Read More
Another Famous Jose Mier #3
Sifting Through Mountains of Jose Miers As I posted yesterday in this Jose Mier blog post, the Internet is an invaluable tool when search anything. But for me it’s even more indispensible because I have a host of Mier’s at my fingertips. My search term is simply “Jose Mier” so the results are very straightforward. …. Read More
Using the Internet to Find Jose and Mier
Google is a Geneologist’s Best Search Friend In my ongoing name research, the Internet has been an invaluable tool. I’ve Googled my way through Jose Miers from California to Cuba and everywhere in between. There’s (for good or bad) so much information out there on every one of us that it’s not hard to find …. Read More
Jose Mier Ancestral Home: Santander Province
“Jose Mier” research led me to the province of Santander in Spain (although since 1983 this has been the region of Cantabria). The City of Santander is the capital of this region. As I mentioned elsewhere on this website, my theory is that the spread of the Roman Empire in the early centuries may be …. Read More
Famous Jose Mier #2
Jose Mier writing once again. In my search for others of the same name my initial efforts included simply using Google. I’m reminded of the questionable ads I see on so many sites that urge you to Google yourself “and be amazed.” However, I did just that. Of course, I’m not the most popular Jose …. Read More
Famous Jose Mier #1
Jose Mier is not the most famous name out there. I’d consider it rather obscure. Nonetheless in the course of researching my own name I’ve come across dozens of other Jose Miers around the world. Using Google as my search engine, the majority of these Joses are in the United States given that my searches …. Read More